
Teladoc Health

Arkansas State University System is excited to announce that we are now partnering with Teladoc Health!

Teladoc Health is a full spectrum of virtual care support which includes primary, chronic, and mental health care. With the Teladoc Health program, you get access to connected health-monitoring devices, certified health coaches and support from physicians and mental health specialists to help manage conditions like prediabetes, diabetes, hypertension, and weight management.

How does it work?

Start by visiting and answering a few simple questions about your health. Next, download the app and log in. You may also enroll by calling Teladoc Health Members Support at 800-835-2362. If calling Teladoc, you will need the registration code - ASUS. After you enroll, you will be shipped a Welcome Kit that includes the appropriate connected devices for your condition so you can begin your readings immediately.

Available at No Cost

Teladoc Health is available at no cost because it is 100 percent covered by the ASU System Health Plan.

To be eligible to participate, an employee, spouse, or dependent child must be 18 years old and enrolled in an ASU System Health Plan.

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