Administrative Grievance
ASU System will afford due process for the president, chancellors, and employees under written contract but not holding faculty appointment with respect to actions which adversely affect the terms or conditions of their employment.
Affirmative Action
The Arkansas State University System is committed to the goal of equal opportunity for all.
The Arkansas State University System seeks to maintain an educational and working environment free from the influence of alcohol.
Annual Leave Policy
Arkansas State University employees are authorized to accrue annual leave to be carried over to the succeeding calendar year.
Appropriate Use of Information & Technology Resources
Arkansas State University System (University) invests substantial and sufficient resources to acquire and operate information technology (IT) assets, such as hardware, software, and Internet connections.
Background Checks
Background checks will be performed on all applicants for employment at Arkansas State University.
Board of Visitors
A Board of Visitors shall be established for member institutions within the Arkansas State University System. This policy shall be used to appoint individuals to a Board of Visitors unless a different process is provided by law.
Bond Financing Post-Issuance Compliance
After bonds are issued, it is necessary to monitor the status of the bonds and ensure compliance with the financing documents and applicable laws.
Capital Construction Project Approval
Before ASU System resources are committed, the Board of Trustees and the President should be provided documentation that describes the feasibility and funding strategies for proposed projects.
Cell and Data Phone
Arkansas State University employees are issued cell and data phone devices by the university to conduct university business but may also use such devices for occasional personal purposes without creating a taxable fringe benefit.
Chancellor Emeritus Benefits
The Board of Trustees may bestow emeritus status upon a retiring chancellor.
Child Maltreatment Reporting
Arkansas State University strives to maintain a safe environment for children on all university owned or occupied property.
Commercial Filming and Photography
The Arkansas State University System will protect the intellectual property rights of its campuses, grounds, and marks while accommodating those who desire to film or take photographs depicting University Property.
Conflict of Interest or Conflict of Commitment
Participation in activities outside the university is encouraged so long as these activities do not create either a conflict of interest or a conflict of commitment.
Conservation of Energy and Natural Resources
Arkansas State University System is committed to energy conservation through sustainable design, construction, and operation of campus buildings.
Construction on Leased Ground
The ASU System is committed to ensuring that 100% of construction funds are available before construction begins on any building projects on grounds which have been leased to third parties by Arkansas State University.
Debt Management
The Debt Management Policy, in coordination with the System’s Bond Financing Post-Issuance Compliance Policy, establishes guidelines for the prudent use and management of debt.
Distribution of Information Regarding Sex Offenders
The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act was passed by Congress in 2000 and provides for the tracking of convicted sex offenders enrolled at or employed by institutions of higher education.
The Arkansas State University System seeks to maintain an educational and working environment free from the influence of unlawful drugs.
Emeritus Status
All faculty and staff members with academic rank who have rendered ten or more years of full-time service to the university at the time of their retirement are declared to have and shall have emeritus status.
Employee Debt Collection
Arkansas State University employees should promptly settle all debts owed to the institution.
Employee Discount of Tuition and Select Fees
ASU System will discount certain tuition costs and select fees for regular full-time employees, retired employees, their spouses, and their unmarried dependent children. These discounts will be consistent among the campuses in the ASU System.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Policy
Arkansas State University will comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Financial Reserves Policy
The Financial Reserves Policy is designed to protect the long-term financial health of campuses of the System.
The Arkansas State University System Fraud Policy is established to facilitate the development of controls which will aid in the prevention and detection of fraud within the Arkansas State University System.
Honorary Degree
The honorary degree is the highest academic honor bestowed by the Board of Trustees.
Identity Theft Prevention
ASU developed this Identity Theft Prevention Policy pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission’s Red Flags Rule, which implements Section 114 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003.
Intellectual Property
“Intellectual Property” refers to any material arising out of Scholarly Production and capable of legal protection under the Copyright, Trademark, Trade Secret, or other laws of the United States.
Internal Control Policy
The Arkansas State University System is committed to processes that reasonably prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse of institutional funds.
Investment Collateralization
Investments made by Arkansas State University, excluding those funds donated for endowment purposes, should be secure with no risk of loss.
Investment Policy
The Investment Policy is designed to preserve invested principal, provide liquidity, manage interest-rate risk, and maximize dependable and stable returns, within established constraints.
Misconduct in Research
The policy applies to all research conducted by faculty, staff members, or students of Arkansas State University System.
Naming of Facilities and Programs
The Arkansas State University Board of Trustees retains unto itself the right to name facilities and programs on all constituent campuses of the System.
The Arkansas State University System must avoid potential or perceived conflicts of interest that may arise when an employee participates, formally or informally, in decisions to hire, retain, promote, or determine the salary of a related person.
Out-of-State Waiver for Residents in Contiguous Counties
The Arkansas State University System seeks to provide educational opportunities to students residing in counties contiguous to the State of Arkansas at in-state tuition rates.
Arkansas State University will secure ownership of and protect both the Originator’s and the University’s interests in patentable inventions or discoveries.
Payments for Unused Sick Leave Upon Retirement
The Arkansas State University System will have a uniform policy for payment of unused sick leave to employees upon their retirement.
Persona Non Grata
Arkansas State University System will prohibit persons who have exhibited behavior detrimental to the university community from being present in any system locations and at any system functions.
Presenting Matters to the Board of Trustees
In order to provide information pertinent to the board=s decision making process, individuals may request to be placed on the agenda at board meetings.
President Emeritus Benefits
The Arkansas State University Board of Trustees will reward persons designated by the board as President Emeritus with certain specified lifetime benefits.
Retirement - Access to Account due to Hardship
The ASU System wishes to allow any employee who demonstrates a financial hardship defined as having an immediate and heavy financial need to have immediate access to their 403(b) accumulations.
Retirement - Access to Retirement Accounts by Full-Time Employees
Arkansas State University will make retirement account funds available to employees reaching retirement age but desiring to continue to work full time.
Retirement - Contributions to Visiting Scholars
Arkansas State University actively recruits visiting scholars to teach on its campuses for a limited time.
Retirement - Early Retirement Benefits
To the extent allowed by existing financial conditions, early retirement benefits will be available to all Arkansas State University employees.
Student Accounts Receivables and Bad Debt
The Student Accounts Receivable, Allowance for Doubtful Accounts, and Bad Debt Expense Policy is designed to protect the financial health of the System campuses.
Telecommuting Policy
The ASU System recognizes that at limited times, there may be a mutual benefit for telecommuting arrangements.
Travel Expense Reimbursement
Employees will ensure that travel expense reimbursement is properly documented so that only authorized amounts are paid.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
An Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) is an aircraft that is operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from within the aircraft or from on the aircraft and its associated elements.
The Arkansas State University System is dedicated to providing an educational and social climate, which is conducive to the safety of all members of the University community.